TweetDeck's recent news (read article from ClickZ) about partnering with TwitJobSearch is a sign. A sign that we seek a quick solution to finding a job. There are millions of tweets every day and many are by recruiters and employers leveraging this medium to find suitable candidates. It weeds out those who do not "speak" social media. It weeds out those who are not up on technology. It weeds out people period.
While this is an interesting phenomenon, posting jobs on Twitter, it is still focusing on the old, old, old model. Post a job to find a candidate. The newer model is, find someone you know and trust and hire them. But, this isn't a new model at all. Most high level/high profile jobs have always been filled this way. When was the last time you saw a CEO job posting on Monster?
Twitter's real power is that it allows us, me and you, to meet new people- people we may not have an opportunity to interact with otherwise. On LinkedIn, it is very hard to enter into a discussion with someone you do not know or are not connected to. This is not true of Twitter. You can enter into conversation with almost anyone, therein lies its power.
Most jobs are filled through networking. You don't like to network or you don't know how. Therefore, it is taking you longer to find a job. Stop searching the postings. A very small percentage of people actually secure a job from solely applying for a job online. So why the big fuss over TweetDeck's new incorporation of job tweets? It is because no one has been able to quantify or qualify networking well enough to make it easier to find opportunities. It is far easier to chase the postings.
What this is all pointing to is that in order to manage your career, you must embrace technology and incorporate Twitter into your networking strategy. Have a plan. Choose to follow people wisely. Look for great thinkers and movers and shakers in your industry.
The @InterviewAngel has a great post with advice on how to brand yourself on Twitter. 20 Tips for Building Your Brand on Twitter.
Here are some other good posts about using Twitter:
How to Best Use Twitter Lists for Job Search from JobMob
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