Back in May my family planted a vegetable garden in a community plot across the street. In the beginning, we checked on it regularly, weeded and watered and even added MiracleGro (sorry Amy).
As the summer started up and we got busy with summer activities and vacations, the garden, still in its infancy got ignored...until yesterday.
I should include a picture so you can laugh at the weeds which have grown as tall as the rows of corn we planted. After carefully stepping in and finding the surviving vegetable plants, I harvested 4 string beans, one tiny zucchini and one sprig of basil. Yahoo!
There is an obvious metaphor here. Your network needs to be maintained. Your job search won't run itself. It requires regular attention, not just when you need it.
It is difficult to manage this into an already full schedule, however, the one thing that has the greatest return on investment are the relationships you've grown.
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