Trust. Reliance on another person or entity. Having faith in others and believing them. (from Wikipedia, of course.)
I am beginning to wonder where trust fits within society today. On one hand, it seems we are holding trust very high on the list of what we expect of others. On the other hand, we have so many public figures abusing their privilege to be trusted. Tiger Woods, Gov. Paterson, Toyota, Google, and the list goes on and on.
At the core of hiring and employment, trust plays a very important role. Today's summary are posts related to trust in job search and leadership. Perhaps you will be able to see where trust fits.
Building Relationships Organically - Part 4 by Liz Lynch
The trust bureaucracy from Social Media Today
Cheating: The Great Equalizer in a Bad Economy. Even in HR? from Fistful of Talent4 Devastating Career Killers and How to Avoid them Part 4 from UpMo
I am awaiting the arrival of Trust Agents by Chris Brogan which I just ordered yesterday. I know, better late than never! To read more about what Trust Agents is about, here is a link to Brogan's post: Thinking About Trust Agents
Where does trust fit? Are there examples of great trust you can share? Please do in the comment below.
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