What every person needs is a little advice, right? Employed or unemployed, you need to be in touch with what's going on. How do you do that? You read, attend meetings, and talk to people.
When you reach the point of talking to people, you have to know what advice you are looking for. Is it understanding where your industry/line of work is going in the future? Specific challenges a company is facing right now? How to make contact with people inside target companies?
Most people are busy and if they are going to give you their precious time, there has to be something in it for them. Your job is to find out what will motivate them to provide advice. Remember, flattery will get you everywhere.
Much of what will determine your success in securing a meeting, see, I am calling it a meeting, not an informational interview, is based on how you ask for it and what you are asking for.
It is best to start off with people you know and get some experience under your belt. Then you can move to referrals or those you don't know (cold calls).
One way to warm up the coldest of calls is to learn something about the person first. Google them. See if they are on LinkedIn or Twitter. You are hoping you can find them on Twitter because it is so easy to see what they are saying.
- After you've watched their tweets for awhile and begin following them. That's the first time they'll see your name perhaps. They will know you are following them if they manually accept followers.
- You can send intelligent Tweets, sharing information is what I am talking about.
- Re-tweet their Tweets, more name recognition is going on.
- You could even ask them a question. If they haven't followed you back, that's ok, just use the @ sign.
Most people will want to help if they know how they can provide some. It is crucial that you clearly define the help/advice you are looking for and hopefully why.
I am not suggesting that you don't ask for these informational interviews. I am urging you to call them something else.
Lally: Thanks! There is nothing worse than feeling like someone has pulled a fast one on you. Honestly and quickly and with a purpose!
Posted by: Career Sherpa | December 18, 2009 at 05:42 AM
Love it! You are correct. You shouldn't need a whole lot of information. Most of it is out there. ASK FOR WHAT YOU WANT! Don't waste people's time. Don't beat around the bush. They KNOW you are going to take them there - so do it honestly and quickly!
Posted by: mike lally | December 14, 2009 at 09:54 AM