Yesterday I re-tweeted a posting about using iGoogle to start managing your search. The more I think about it, the more I feel the need to share that information here and add some thoughts.
Here is the link to the posting. Please do read it. It is easy to do and won't take much time. How to Build the Ultimate Job Finding Dashboard by (I need to give credit to The Underground Job Network for posting on their website)
What this article talks about is how to add information from job boards. I would take it one step further. I recommend adding feeds from professional associations or newspapers too. (By the way, if you are not comfortable finding feeds, this article does a good job explaining how).
Smartbrief is a resource that I recommend adding. Find the industry you are interested in keeping up with and find the feed!
There may also be blogs you like to read, you can add them to iGoogle too. Plus there are a host of time management tools available. Here is a posting that talks about some of them. I like Todoist (but I am not using it yet).
15 iGoogle Gadgets for Web Worker Productivity
Another hugely popular and effective tool (and it is free) is JibberJobber. This is a comprehensive tool developed by Jason Alba, who developed it out of necessity as a job seeker himself.
I wrote about using Google Reader several months ago (Recommended Reading). I find it really effective in organizing and collecting all the blogs I read.
If you have other tricks and tips for managing your job search, please, share with us!
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