Despite the doom and gloom being reported by the media and the high unemployment rates, people are securing new jobs every day. Not just jobs, but good jobs. However, this is not happening in the quantities we would all like to see.
Let's take a look at some of those people to determine how they got hired.
1. They were "A" players, stars in their field, best of the best.No, we can't all be "A" players. Only a very small percentage of us are. But what we do know is that "A" players stand out in the ocean of average job seekers. They've had astonishing results, they know how to take credit for doing what they've done and they usually are able to have an immediate impact in their new roles.
2. They knew the right people or at least were masterful networkers.
We can all learn how to network better, with more poise and efficiency. It takes practice, not just sitting in seminars and reading books. Practice. Doing it and learning from our mistakes.
3. They were passionate about what they do.
If you can't be the best, you can at least have deep interest and knowledge and passion. So many average employees just do their job. It isn't enough in this competitive job market to just do your job. Companies don't hand out paychecks for the fun of it. If you aren't sure what your passion is or worse, you don't think you have one, stop and figure it out. You do have a passion, you just can't label it yet.
4. They applied and were the perfect match.
Yes, it can still happen. You can apply to a job posting and you can get called for an interview because your resume is the perfect match for a job. I list this last, because the odds of this happening are slim. Hey, you never know, you have to buy a ticket to win the lottery. (I'm not endorsing the purchase of lottery tickets, in case you're wondering). A warning here, however, how discerning was the employer in screening and interviewing the candidates? What is their turnover? If it seemed to easy to land the job, there could be a reason behind that.
When I first started this blog, I developed a 6 step process to help summarize the steps to successful job search. One of the steps I believe is critical is conducting a SWOT analysis. SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. Recently, the use of this analysis has been written about a lot. On CareerRocketeer, there was a very good explanation if you want to try it yourself.
I think it is because people are really struggling with job search and the length of time it is taking to find a job. Assessing your search strategy and implementation each step of the way is very helpful.
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