I get tired of reading the hundreds of new posts on job search sometimes, do you? I also don't have time to sit and listen to an interview with a leading expert on interviewing or job search (however, I did listen to some of Liz Lynch's interview with Jason Alba). Video's are too long sometimes, I want them to get to the point.
I've known about Slideshare and I've heard that it could be a nice addition to your LinkedIn profile. It wasn't until I came across this post, 7 Must Read SlideShare Presentations For Job Seekers that I became convinced there's a lot to be said for slideshows. I can scroll through them at my own pace. They are designed to be snippets of information to learn from. This makes them a nice alternative to the paragraphs of text that overwhelm me sometimes.
What amazes me is that people are willing to share their hard work and knowledge for free. So who says we're a selfish society? Oh, maybe these slides demonstrate knowledge and expertise? Maybe they are a form of branding? Or maybe, they just are.
Are you using Slideshare on your LinkedIn profile? What is the show about? What do you want people to know about your skills, knowledge, abilities from viewing it?
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