We've all done it- checked out a new restaurant because a friend said the food is excellent, gone to a new mechanic because he is good and honest according to people, purchased a magazine because a family member recommended it was great reading.
We aren't looking for this advice or these recommendations, they seem to appear out of nowhere. For some reason, we are motivated to test it out. Could it be that subconsciously we are listening for a solution?
The dream of every business is to have an excellent reputation. One that will drive business (money) through the door. Think Wegmans. People will drive great distances for the Wegmans experience.
What will drive jobs into your hand? An excellent reputation for something. It isn't just "self proclaimed" excellence, it has to be validated by others. Who are the people who can vouch for your excellence? Initially, it will be those that know you. Your dream is to have even those who don't know you so well speak of your reputation for excellence.
Build the reputation. Perform your excellence. Demonstrate your excellence whenever you have a chance, or can create a chance to do so.
Listen for the window of opportunity. Become heightened-ly aware of the possibilities to help others. There are groups, forums, and associations that need assistance. You could help. Be near the window.
Make sure your message is easy to understand. You never know who will hear it or who will pass it along, so keep it simple.
It isn't enough today to just be good at what you do, people have to know about you. Let your word of mouth reputation for excellence precede you!
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