Success stories are always worth sharing. They provide inspiration. This one is about a friend of a friend.
Once upon a time, there was a father of two who was downsized from his position. He was victim of the hard-hit real estate/housing market. His position, real estate appraiser in the public sector.
During the 10 months he was unemployed, he had been toying with the idea of taking "any job" just to end the horrible feeling of being without work. His self esteem was slipping and he was experiencing waves of depression. He decided not to take any job, because the $8/hr would be less than unemployment. (Wake up Obama and Pattersonwho continue to lengthen the term of UI benefits).
Fast forward 10 months, hundreds of applications later, still no interviews. This father of two was nearing the end of his unemployment. He was touring a manufacturing plant, preparing to take a job as an assembler when he got the call from a local municipality for an interview.
Mr. Father of Two had taken a civil service examseveral months prior. This exam wasn't offered very often so he was smart to have found and taken it.
Once he got off the call scheduling him for an interview he called my friend. He told her what was happening, that's all. My friend called her contacts at the municipality where he would be interviewing. She didn't want to seem like she was skewing the civil service process, but she did want to put in a good word for her friend. She merely said she knew this gentleman personally and that he had shown good judgment and was of solid character. She also indicated that he would fit in easily with the existing personnel within the municipality.
Sure enough, he was the one selected. There had only been two others in the race.
The moral of this story: Pursue civil service opportunities and use your network!
The End.
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