In a meeting with a job seeker this week, a wise co-worker asked a super question: "What do you do to keep yourself positive and motivated?" His answer began with "I first dealt with all the emotions, anger, frustration, fear, anxiety, etc." Once he had those out of the way, he was able to focus on moving forward. He admitted that took longer than he thought it would. His ex co-workers called to share their frustration over the event and his family needed him to run errands and do projects. These distractions also helped him get over the loss.
Emotions frequently get in the way of a productive job search and even a successful career. It is imperative that we learn how to manage our emotions. So, what does that mean? Take care of you. What rejuvenates you?
As we head into summer, it is sometimes easier to get that boost of energy. When you walk out of your house in the morning, pay attention to the smells, sights and sounds of the morning. Clear you mind of all other distractions. What do you sense? How do you feel? What memories come to mind?
OK, that might not work for all of you. Get on your bike, put on your shoes, sit on the grass, and now try clearing your mind. Where does you mind go? Are you recalling something happy from your past. Stay focused on that.
Still not working? What happy moment can you re-invent? Is it a beach-side cocktail at sunset? Perhaps a volleyball game with friends? Making the perfect decadent dessert, and/or eating it? Finding the greatest bargain? Is it Yoga? Hanging with friends or family? Do it. No excuses. Just enjoy the moment.
I know. You will not be magically removed from the task ahead. You still have a job search in front of you when this experiment is all over. But you might be able to approach your search with re-newed energy, beliefs and a new outlook.
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