I find myself running into brick walls a lot while trying to help job seekers. Not necessarily my brick walls, but theirs- "I can't", "it doesn't work", "it won't work", "that's not me", "it's not fair".
But these become my brick walls too. My role as a sherpa is to get you to believe you can, so that you will take the actions necessary to break through these walls.
I'm pretty no-nonsense and my family has declared me "un-fun". To prove them all wrong and change up my image a bit, I've surrounded myself with people who are fun and full of non-sense (they may or may not know who they are).
So to all you job seekers out there, what can you do that is uncharacteristic? More fun?
Years ago I attended a wonderful and too brief keynote by Yvonne Conte. If you've ever seen her, you know how fun she is!
One of the exercises she asked us to do was to describe our dream job. Not just what we would be doing, but all the details of the work environment. So, here are some questions you can answer:
- What is the job title
- Who are your customers
- What industry or focus does your company have
- What does a typical day involve
- How far do you have to travel to get to your job
- What does your workspace look like
- What hours do you work
- Who are your co-workers
- What is your boss like (what's their background and management philosophy and how do they recognize your successes)
- What is your favorite part of your new job
- When your workday is over, how do you feel
This is about creating a vision of what you are striving for. Once you can picture it, it is much more likely to come to fruition, right?!
You could even get really goofy and begin cutting out pictures and articles that truly help you visualize your new role.
Heck, you've got nothing to lose in trying this. It might seem silly, but it might just work!
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