We don't do many things the way we did 10 years ago. Did you pay your bills on-line? Didyou have Tevo or DVR? How often did you use your cell phone? Were you still using a digital camera? Were you on Facebook or LinkedIn? I know I wasn't using/doing any. In fact, most weren't even around.
I am not really an early adapter of new technology, but I do find it fascinating to keep up with the fads.
As a job seeker, there is so much new technology out there that can really make a job search different and sometimes easier. I keep reading about VisualCV. It is slick and may increase your search-ability/find-ability.
What we do know is that a huge number of employers are googling candidates. Make sure your web presence is clean. Also make sure you can be found.
LinkedIn is probably the best investment of your time. Not just for search, but once in a new job too. This leads to the whole "social media" thing, which seems a bit exaggerated, but that might be just my take. I've said it before, there is no magic bullet that will ensure getting a job. Using a diversified approach is best.
If tracking your search efforts is overwhelming and you are looking for a solution, try jibberjobber. It's an integrated contact management system for job search.
Years ago, your only choices for job boards were the big 4, now there are search engines that search hundreds of boards and company websites for you. My recommendation would be to practically ditch the big 4 and use www.indeed.com. However, there are tons of aggregate boards now. I recently tweeted a listing of the top 20 boards from PC magazine and many of them are like indeed.
From the employer side of the process there are also new advances. Many are using on-line applications from their own website now, in place of the big 4 and sometimes along with using the big 4. Additionally, big box retail stores have mostly eliminated paper applications. You have to complete them on-line.
The newest use of technology by employers is IMing (instant messaging). I spoke with a job seeker this week who received an IM while he was completing the application on-line. The position he was applying for required data entry skills. What better way for the employer to test and assess typing speed and accuracy. It also evaluates candidates "thinking on their feet".
I am sure we will continue to see more innovative uses of technology too as we move forward in this fast paced world. Make sure you are keeping up and have an understanding and working knowledge of the technology being used!
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