Unseasonably balmy weather predicted for the weekend reminds me of all the wonderful summer memories and new summer opportunities!
When the sky is blue and the weather is warm (not hot), it is hard not to smile, especially in Upstate New York.
Wouldn't it be nice if we could keep "the first days of summer" smile all year...we can, but it requires some work.
Usually (or always) it is our beliefs that take the smile away or keep the smile on our face. Ivy Hoffman will be presenting a workshop on personal beliefs at RochesterWorks mid-week and I am sure I'll have greater insight after I hear her. What I do know now is that there is a ton of stress, anxiety, fear, despair, indifference and host of other negative emotions associated with job loss and job search.
We have 2 choices, let the emotions take our smile away or change our beliefs/mindset and keep the smile.
Sounds flowery, I know. But emotions cast the shadow of how we are perceived. So having a flowery disposition can greatly enhance our chances of success.
I came across a post on this topic "How to use questions to create a positive perspective" comes from The M.A.P. Maker a blog by Curt Rosengren. Really, this was the inspiration for this post.
Where ever you are, enjoy and smile!
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