I am not sure why this even needs addressing. Of course these are my opinion and are not necessarily those of my company. I see this a lot on the blogs I read.
Why are we so cautious, consumed with being politically correct?
I am not endorsing loose canons. I am merely pointing out that we are human beings not programmed computers immune from making imperfect decisions or communicating without flaw.
In this week's "The Week" magazine, which, by the way, I love reading! Contained two nuggets relating to this idea.
One, Obama apologized to the Chairman of the Special Olympics for a comment he made about how his bowling looking like he was competing in the Special Olympics. Sarah Palin, remember her, jumped on the bandwagon and criticized the President for his comment. Let me ask how else he might have made this statement? Do you believe that he was trying to insult or show negative bias against people with disabilities? Or was he just simply drawing an analogy?
Can we just make a comment without being judged on what the deeper meaning might be? Lighten up Francis. Stop taking everything so personally.
The other article summary in "The Week" discussed how we should read and listen to opinions different from our own. By nature, the article says, we are drawn to like-thinking. It recommends working-out your brain by reading ideas far from your own or at the very least different. Listen to these new ideas.
If we continue to do the same things, we will continue to get the same results. Maybe stretching our brains and speaking our minds isn't such a bad thing these days?
do what scares the hell out of you :)
Posted by: mike lally | March 29, 2009 at 12:31 PM