Discovering or identifying what you love to do is sometimes difficult. It is right in front of our noses and we can't see it.
I met a woman last night who said to me "I know it sound frivolous, but I just want a job that I love doing".
There's nothing frivolous about this. We can have a job we love or at least like a lot, if we are doing things and using talents we enjoy.
Here are the instructions (for those who read instructions):
Wait a day or so and then review the listing and look for re-occurring patterns, themes, things
Brainstorm with a creative friend, ways you could make money doing these things
Research the labor market for similar sounding jobs (use O*Net and Indeed)
Make another list of these jobs/occupations
Identify companies that hire these jobs
Network to find out more about the companies
This is about the journey mostly, not the destination. What will you learn about yourself in the process of exploring these opportunities?
Carol, this is exactly what I am talking about! You found a passion and found a way to make it happen. This is probably characteristic of how you approach any problem, personally or professionally, there's no stopping you. Thanks for the comment.
Posted by: Hannah Morgan | February 05, 2009 at 04:25 AM
When I first started my job at a trade association many years ago, I found that I didn't enjoy my job as much as I wanted to. I found myself asking, "What do I WANT to do?"
I found myself responding "I want to play all day long." A bit shocking for an adult!
So then I asked "What is it I do now that feels like play?"
As a result of that question, I signed up for advertising design courses at the Fashion Institute of Technology. Then I volunteered to work on projects I knew I'd enjoy, in addition to my normal role. As a result, my creativity blossomed and was noticed, I was promoted, and my role at the organization shifted into doing things I loved to do. I got to "play all day long," to my company's benefit.
Posted by: Carol White Llewellyn, The Finger Lakes Travel Maven | February 03, 2009 at 09:09 AM