Remember your first day of school? What about your first ride on an airplane? Your first kiss? Do you remember how nervous you felt when experiencing your firsts?
Those same feelings emerge when we have our first interview, our first networking meeting, our first job loss.
There are some advantages to having all that Adrenalin running through the body, but usually we hang on to the feelings that are negative. The best cure...have more firsts, so there aren't so many...huh? If you are having more first interviews, you will have more experience with them and feel more comfortable. If you step out of your comfort zone and network more, you will feel less nervous because it won't be so new.
We learn from experience, therefore, the more experience you have, the wiser you should be...but only as long as you learn from thepast. If you don't debrief and learn what you could have done better and recognize what you did well, you are likely to make the same blunders/faux pas/mistakes. Learning gives us confidence, not arrogance.
Eleanor Roosevelt is credited with saying "Do something every day that scares you". This is a wonderful challenge for the new year!
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