When you have a slippery, wrathing fish on the line, sometimes it is hard to get it in the boat or once in, keep it inthe boat. The same is true with a new job. Rounds of interviews with a company, nibbles, a strike, it takes skill to land that job. You get close, you are a finalist, you feel the excitement, you can taste the new job. Stay calm, easy does it! Yes, you are in. But once you have this job, you need to hold on to it.
I see repeat job seekers regularly. For a number of reasons, their new jobs have ended and they are back on the job seeking waters, angling for another job.
Here are the top 3 things you need to do when you land the big job:
1) Understand who the big fish are in this little pond: Ask good questions and understand who, why, and where these key decision makers are.
2) What are the weather conditions like for next 100 days? What do they expect you to do? Really drill them on their priorities, how will you know you have met their expectations?
3) Become the trophy fishermon (new generic term). Identify ways to make them believe they hired the right person, that they won big by hiring you. Be likable, take on a special project, be a super team member, master your job quickly.
Be so careful about making suggestions for improvement without doing research first. If you criticize a process the president implemented, you run the risk of being thrown overboard, or at least being scrutinized.
You are more vulnerable to being thrown back into the waters because they don't know you as well, they haven't had a chance to really "love" what you can do, and they don't have the financial investment in you. You don't want to look too small, too sickly, too bony, too anything that would get you thrown back.
More simple rules on holding on to a job have been posted on What Would Dad say.
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